How To Declutter When Moving Home

Category Lifestyle

Moving to a new house is the ideal time to declutter. There's no better time than packing up your home and its possessions to decide what you should keep, what you should donate and what you should dump.


Of course, we know that this is often easier said than done. That's why we've put together a few easy steps to help you declutter and decide what's worth taking and what's worth letting go. Moving is a lot easier (and can be cheaper) if you have less to load into your moving truck.




We can probably all agree that the most challenging part of moving is getting started. Yet, procrastinating and leaving it to the last minute only makes moving more stressful, chaotic and usually results in packing items that really shouldn't go with your new home.


Instead of leaving packing for the day before your move, start three to four weeks prior and break the packing down to twenty minutes a night. Start in one area that holds items that are not in daily use, and slowly work your way through your home to the more day-to-day objects.


While packing up, create boxes labelled 'donate or dump' and, then, ask yourself the following questions as you sort through your items:  




When packing up your things, think about your new rooms and where the items will go: how will they fit in and what purpose will they serve? If you're struggling for an answer to these questions, then you most likely need to consider placing them in the 'donate or dump' box for later sorting.


Objects that you can very clearly see a place and purpose for in your new home can be packed neatly in labelled boxes. Remember: clearly marking boxes with itemised titles will make unpacking so much easier, faster and more organised.




So, you have a few items that will fit into your new home. Ask yourself if you really use them? If you're even a little hesitant in answering the question, it probably needs to go in the ''donate or dump' box for later sorting.


Consider the items in the following way:

Daily use: Items such as coffee pots, dishes and clothing - if they haven't been used over the past six months, it's time to get rid of them.

Weekly/Monthly use: Hoarding a pressure cooker or 'old school' blender? If you haven't used it in six months to a year, it's time to part ways with it.

Annual use: This includes holiday décor, seasonal objects, picnic items, heaters, fans and so on. If you've not used it in the last year or two, put it in the 'donate or dump' box.



Before you toss out anything that you've not recently used, ask yourself how special the item is. Was it from a loved one? Does it conjure up warm memories? Is it worth a significant value? If you answer yes to any of these - even if you've not used it for years and might not soon either - consider keeping it or storing it away in a safe place.


Items with no significant meaning or value can go into the 'donate or dump' box.




It's only natural to be left with a few items that you're still in two minds about. For those, simply ask yourself: if I didn't bring these things into my new home, would I miss it? If you can honestly answer no, then consider putting it the 'donate or dump' box. Someone else might be able to make more use of it.


So often we deem items significant or sentimental until we actually ask ourselves if it truly has importance. We can almost guarantee that you'll feel lighter and brighter by not bringing unnecessary items into your new home.  




Now that you have sorted the items that you're definitely taking, it's time to work through the 'donate or dump' pile.


Start by creating two collections: one to donate and one to throw out. Items that are still in good working condition, should go into the donation pile. Items that are old, expired, broken, tattered or dirty should go into the pile to be thrown away. If you're unsure of where an item should go, ask yourself: 'Would I be proud to use this?' If not, then it needs to be dumped.


From here, search for a few charities in your area that could make use of the donation - you'll be surprised at how many organisations would be able to put your old items to good use.


Any broken, out-dated, damaged items, should go into the dump pile to either go to the bin or to be taken to an authorised dumping site.




Once you're in your new and fully decluttered home, keep the one-year-rule alive: anything that you've not used or worn in the last year, should either be dumped or donated as above. You'll be amazed at how easy it is to pack the next time you move if you regularly sort.


Author: Rawson Property Group

Submitted 21 Jan 21 / Views 1071